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Scientific-practical conference with Borys Todurov in Lutsk

09.11.2015 in the facilities of Volyn Regional Hospital a scientific-practical conference “Pulmonary embolism” was held for cardiologists, rheumatologists, anesthesiologists and surgeons of the region. General Director of SI “The Heart Institute by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” Borys Todurov and leading specialists of the regional clinical hospital participated in the event.

The opening speech was made by the chief doctor of the regional hospital Sidor IM.

Professor Borys Todurov expressed readiness for prolonged cooperation with doctors of Volyn. In his report he spoke the audience in detail about the advanced technologies and modern methods of surgical treatment and prevention of this disease, as well as about the goal-directer examination, and the principles of conservative treatment. Upon completion of the presentations, the issues were lively discussed.

128 doctors took part in the scientific and practical conference.
Over 60 patients were consulted by the leading specialists of SE “The Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”.


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