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A visit of Heart Institute experts to Ternopil

On October 16, 2015, specialists from the Heart Institute have visited Ternopil.

They provided consultations for cardiac patients (both adults and children). There were  2 specialist teams: one examined children at the Ternopil municipal pediatric hospital polyclinic, the other – at the cardiology department of the Municipal hospital № 2. The doctors shared their experiences about the essential issues of cardiology and cardiac surgery with Boris Todurov, the General Director of SI Heart Institute by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

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During of this visit to Ternopil lectures for students and surgeons were held. The “Surgical treatment of pulmonary thromboembolism,” was presented by Doctor of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, General Director of SI Heart Institute by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Boris Todurov, and the lecture “Surgical treatment of acute myocardial infarction” – by the cardiac surgeon of SI Heart Institute by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Alexander Bitsadze.

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We point out, that this is the second visit of the cardiologists from Ukrainian capital. It takes place in the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the State Institution Heart Institute by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Ternopil Municipal Council, signed in 2012.


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