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Social project: “Warmth of Hearts”

The next stage of the social project by “Eurocar” – “Warmth of Hearts” is over.

During the event- from 1 to 23 of December 2011 60,000 UHR were collected and transferred to the Foundation of Heart Center: “Heart on the palm”.

All money from the fund will be assigned to the program: “Let’s save the life of a child together!” That helps emergency treatment of congenital heart disease in children from poor families.

According to the chief doctor of the Heart Center – Prof. Boris Todurov :” today 6-8 newborn infants per 1000 are diagnosed with congenital heart disease, 30% of these children require highly specialized emergency care. The raised funds will help to save 7 child’s hearts in Kyiv City Heart Center.”

The organizer of the project was the company “Eurocar” who is SKODA dealer network in Ukraine, which annually supports Kyiv City Heart Center‘s projects. This year’s «SuperDeal» company also became a partner of “Warmth of Hearts” Project.

The “Warmth of the Hearts” is focused on informational and financial support of the Kyiv City Heart Center. “Eurocar Ltd.” is in the project from November 2008. The starting point was the transfer of a Skoda Roomster card from “Eurocar” to the Kiev Heart Center for the clinic’s needs. This car was the first in the Heart Center, and now it is performing vital work for patients every day. In addition, ” Eurocar” with SKODA dealer network in Ukraine continues fundraising for the Foundation of Heart Center on annual basis. Funds are assigned to purchase of necessary medical equipment, primarily for the children’s department of the Heart Center.




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