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Signing a Memorandum of collaboration between Heart Institute and Kalangos Fund (Switzerland)

On May 13th, 2016, the humanitarian project was presented and the Memorandum of collaboration was signed by the Heart Institute and Prof. Kalangos Fund (Switzerland). The profect is dedicated to treatment of children with congenital heart disease from developing countries.

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Heart Institute, together with Kalangos Fund, made joint effort in field of humanitarian cardiac surgery. They built up a at the Heart Institute specialized humanitarian center in order to provide here, in Ukraine, specialized cardiac surgical care to children from developing countries. Kalangos Fund will provide full financial support, and Heart Institute with its staff and infrastructure ensure all the necessary medical service. It is scheduled to treat 8 to 12 cardiac surgical patients monthly.

This collaboration enhances the Heart Institute’s humanitarian activity, with it’s doctors and nurses involved. It is not the first occasion; the members of the Kyiv Heart Institute staff had humanitarian missions in different countries. “It is a great honor for us to make joint efforts with Kalangos Fund in field of humanitarian cardiac surgery and to build up a centre in our Institute. Upto 10 million children worldwide are waiting for cardiac surgical care, which is not accessible in their homelands. Ukraine and well qualified Ukrainian specialists are ready to help them, and it is a powerful promotion of the Ukrainian medicine in the world” – said Boris Todurov.

Many outstanding people took part in the eveng, among them: Vassilis Papadopoulos – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Greek Republic in Ukraine, Phaizullo Kholboboev – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Tajikistan Republic in Ukraine, Ruslan Bolbochan – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Moldovan Republic in Ukraine, Murat Parpucu – Healthcare minister’s of Turkey representative, Vasyl Kravchenko – the representative of Ukrainian Ministry of healh.

Afksendiyos Kalangos is a cardiac surgeon, Professor at Geneva cardiovascular centre, Director of Centre for cardiac surgery at Mitera hospital, Athens. President of Kalangos Fund


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