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In a Perinatal center (Crimea) for a day were successfully performed 4 closing of the arterial duct in newborns.

July 13, 2013 in perinatal center KRU “KTMO “University Hospital” for a day were successfully performed 4 closing of the arterial duct in newborns.

Operations were performed by surgeons of Kyiv City Heart Center in cooperation with the Crimean surgeons. All babies weight less than 2 kg (890 g, 1 kg 145 g, 1 kg 150 g and 1 kg 465 g). “Today all kids problems are behind, their health is not alarming neither for doctors nor for parents” – said the chief doctor of perinatal center Tatiana Babich.

“We continue to work successfully with the Kyiv City Heart Center. A perinatal center doctors have successfully performed 12 neurosurgical surgeries and 9 heart operations”, – said Tatiana Babich. In April 2013, between KRU “KTMO “University Hospital” and Kyiv City Heart Center  was signed a cooperation agreement. Were planned on-consultations of leading specialists for patients with congenital and acquired heart defects, specialists visits for examination and surgical treatment. In addition, the work will be organized to improve the skills of staff KRU “KTMO “University Hospital” including lectures, seminars and fellowships.


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