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Conference: “Metabolic syndrome and several aspects of laboratory diagnostics”

April 25, 2013  Conference “Metabolic syndrome and several aspects of Laboratory Diagnostics” took place at the Kiev Heart Center

Conference was organized by Kyiv City Heart Center, NPF “Symesta VAAL” and the company “Immundiagnostik AG” Germany. The presentation of the Firm: Immundiahnostyk AG, Benshaym, Germany was presented by Natalia Y. Kuzmin, an employee of the firm «Immundiagnostik AG».

The report “The metabolic syndrome and coronary heart diseases ” was presented by Dzhyttsyh Thomas (Thomas Dschietzig) prof., MD , Senior Physician of department of intensive kardyology of Charité University Hospital, Berlin.He has paid attention to markers such as ADMA – asymmetric dimethylarginine, MPO – Myeloperoxidase, iPi & Ad – Intact pro-insulin and adiponectin, RBP4 – Retinol-binding protein -4, Myostatin.

Diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis were introduced by Dr. Wolfgang Reichert (Wolfgang Reichert), molecular biology, employee of firm: ”Immundiagnostik AG”. MutaCHIP technology can identify genetic markers of diseases such as atherosclerosis , such as hypertension, disturbances in the system of hemostasis and thrombosis (mutation FV Leiden), oxidative stress and metabolism of cholesterol and homocysteine. Early detection of genetic markers can take timely preventive measures in the form of medical treatment and correction of social behavior (mode of life, the nature of power, etc.)

In the report, “Vitamin D: physiology, status determination” Natalia Kuzmina made a very important conclusion: the low concentration of vitamin D in the serum leads to insufficient absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food.


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