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Boris Todurov: Our general goal is to create for Ukraine an image of a country one will be proud of

On September, 4th  at the Heart Institute by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine a discussion platform “Laboratory of ideas” took place. The representatives of the Finnish government and activists of international peacekeeping organizations,  awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, kindly participated. The meeting brought together leading Ukrainian antiterrorist campaign volunteer doctors and medical students.

General Director of the Heart Institute Boris Todurov, together with famous doctors and public figures from Finland – the ex-Minister of Health Vappu Taipale and former member of the Finnish Parliament Ilkka Taipale – have demonstrated, how much the medical community can do for transformation of the society and state reformation. Professor Todurov showed with his own experience how his peacekeeping expeditions managed to alleviate inter-ethnic conflicts and their consequences for the population in the world’s hot spots (East of Ukraine, Nagorny Karabakh, Kosovo, Iraq, etc.).

“Everyone needs to learn how to contribute to the future of the country” – said Borys Todurov in  “Laboratory of ideas” to the medical community in Ukraine.”Even in a country in transition, with an array of economic and socio problems, it is possible to build up  a high-tech clinic like Heart Institute, to perfom a heart transplantation and get international recognition. It will be possible if every doctor will learn to take responsibility, “- said the Director.” Our general goal is to create for Ukraine an image of a country one will be proud of. We have to make every effort for our children to get “treated and sown” earth and not the “scorched ” one” – said Prof. Todurov.

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