консультація для дорослих
пн-пт: 8:30-15:30

консультація для дітей
пн-пт: 8:30-15:30

для дітей

вул. Братиславська, 5а,
м. Київ, 02166

Visit to Chernivtsi

August 17, 2012 Chief cardiac surgeon of MOH of Ukraine Prof. Boris Todurov visited Chernivtsi with the study visit according to planed trips to the regions approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Prof. Boris Todurov was accompanied by two expert teams (for adults and for children), equipped with modern ultrasound devices.

Consultations of 52 children with congenital heart disease were held in The Regional Children’s Hospital. Second team has consulted about 50 adults at a cardiology clinic.

Boris Todurov gave a lecture: ” Modern possibilities of cardiac surgery and surgical treatment of pulmonary embolism”.  Doctors of various specialities attended this event.


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