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A newborn was operated by Heart Institute doctors in Moldova

On February 22th a team of Heart Institute doctors , including heart surgeon Iryna Aksyonova and pediatric anesthesiologist and intensive care doctor Iryna Galamay, together with Moldovan colleagues operated a newborn child with severe congenital heart defect. The operation was performed in the State Clinical Hospital of Kishinev city. It was the first arterial switch operation for great vessels transposition in Moldova. We thank our Moldovan colleagues for their trust to Heart Institute doctors.

Iryna Aksyonova, a heart surgeon from Kiev Heart Institute, says: «Our Moldovan colleagues asked for help in developing and driving a program to save such children here, on site, and eliminate the need to refer them into another country. This disease is one of the most serious, and it is sometimes impossible to transfer the patient even into another city, not only into another country».


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