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Children consulting

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Kyiv 02166, Ukraine


A press conference on the results of the second in Ukraine mechanical heart implantation

October 17th, 2016

The operation was performed on October 16th, 2016, by the Heart Institute team under the leadership of the Institute’s General Director, cardiac surgeon Boris Todurov, together with German colleagues – Prof. Christof Schmid, Head of Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital Regensburg, Dr. Ersel Simon, a cardiologist from Berlin Heart clinic, Küther Steffen, a bioengineer from Berlin Heart

The second in Ukraine operation of mechanical heart implantation is performed in Heart Institute

October 16th, 2016,

The mechanical heart implantation was successfully performed to save the life of Lyudmyla Filarenko. The woman has a 9 years old son. Her diagnosis – dilated cardiomyopathy – left her no chance to live. The operation of mechani

Conference “Venous thromboembolism: new approaches to diagnosis and treatment”

October 6, 2016 at the Heart Institute of MOH of Ukraine the conference “Venous thromboembolism: new approaches to diagnosis and treatment” was held, in which the staff and students of the departments of cardiac surgery, endovascular and extracorporeal technologies and functional diagnostics actively participated

Charity Running Race in support of Ludmila Filyarenko

October 2, 2016. Commemorating the World Heart Day the Charity Running Race (the general sponsor of the race -TM “Pananginum”) under the auspices of the Athletics Federation of Kiev was organized by the “First Ukrainian school of natural run», the main purpose of the event was to help Ludmila Filyarenko, which urgently needs a heart transplant.

Presentation of the new “Department of cardiac surgery, endovascular and extracorporeal techniques of NMAPE named after PLShupyk” on the basis of SI “Heart Institute of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine

September 13, 2016

In the auditorium of the Heart Institute under the leadership of vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of the NMAPE named after P.L. Shupyk professor O.K. Tolstanov and dean of the surgical faculty associate professor V.I. Shuba with the participation of head of the staff department D.D. Briginets a team presentation of the new department of cardiac surgery, endovascular and extracorporeal techniques of NMAPE, head of the department corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine Professor Boris Todurov and all the academic staff of the department to the managers and staff of the Heart Institute was held.

Press-conference “The new low on human organ and tissue transplant in Ukrainian reality: experience and perspectives”

August 18th, 2016

The press-conference as to Ukrainian reality of human organ and tissues transplantation and the draft low about transplantation based on “presumption of consent” concept took place at Kiev Heart Institute.

Innovative Nit – Occlud ASD-R systems are implanted to 3 Ukrainian children, first time in Ukraine – in Kiev Heart Institute

July, 21, 2016
Three pediatric patients with congenital heart defect got innovative Nit – Occlud ASD-R system implanted, first time in Ukraine – in Kiev Heart Institute.

The Department of cardiac surgery, endovascular and extracorporeal techniques has been created

In coordination with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine according to the order of NMAPE No. 1649 from 05.04.2016 the department of heart surgery, endovascular and extracorporeal technologies has been created as a part of the surgical faculty.

For the first time in Ukraine the surgery of implantation of artificial heart was performed

July 12, 2016
Heart transplantation is the “gold standard” in the treatment of end-stage heart failure. But because of the currently existing legal obstacles for heart transplantation in Ukraine, the only solution for patients is surgical “bridge” to transplant – a surgery of implantation of artificial heart.

Заседание «Гипертоническая болезнь – взгляд кардиолога и офтальмолога»

6 июля 2016 Киевское общество офтальмологов, Институт сердца МЗ Украины, Национальный медицинский университет имени Богомольца и Национальная медицинская академия последипломного образования им. П.Л. Шупика провели совместное заседание на тему «Гипертоническая болезнь – взгляд кардиолога и офтальмолога», в которой приняли участие более 150 врачей различных специальностей.

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