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Doctors of the Heart Institute visited a cardiosurgical clinic in Kaunas


01-04-17 Каунас2

Specialists of the Department of Cardiac Surgery, X-ray Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies and the Department of Functional Diagnostics of the NMAPE named after PL Shupik: Associate Professors O. Epanchintseva and O. Zelenchuk, Assistants A. Ivanyuk and N. Ponich together with doctors of the Heart Institute visited a cardiosurgical clinic in Kaunas (Lithuania) within the framework of international cooperation between the clinics of Kyiv and Kaunas.

The clinic is headed by Professor Rimantas Benetis, an outstanding Lithuanian cardiac surgeon.

During the internship it was possible to take a part in the medical process, as well as assisting during the surgical interventions conducted by the chief of the clinic – prof. Benetis. During the surgeries the professor shared some surgical techniques including the author’s one. In addition, it was possible to take a part in super complicated interventions in the ascending aorta and reconstructive interventions on the mitral valve.

There were no secrets from the Ukrainian colleagues, and the cardiac center staff was happy to answer all questions and provided all kinds of support and assistance.

Friendly collegial relations between the staff of NMAPE, the Heart Institute and foreign partners are one of the most important aspects of the development of Ukrainian science and the cardiac surgical industry as a whole.

01-04-17 Каунас3 01-04-17 Каунас1


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