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Visit of the doctors of Heart Institute to Ternopil


sait 18-09-15 Визит в Тернополь1

On September 18th, 2015 specialists of the State Institution “Heart Institute of Ministry of Health of Ukraine” (cardiologist, cardiac surgeon and specialist in ultrasound diagnostics) provide in Ternopil city municipal hospital №2 consultative examinations for more than 50 patients.

Since 2012 the Heart Institute (in the past – the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital “Kyiv City Heart Center” (KGKB “KMTSS”) signed with Ternopil city administration a cooperation agreement. The main purpose of it is managerial and medical support of Ternopil cardiology hospitals by sharing experience during field consultations to the patients with congenital and acquired heart diseases, emergency pediatric surgical care, training doctors in form of visiting lectures, thematic workshops,practical courses at the Heart Institute for cardiologists, intensive care specialists, anesthesiologists, ultrasound specialists, surgeons (pediatric and adult) and nurses.