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Visit of Heart Institute cardiac surgeons in Kramatorsk


July 16, 2015

Boris Todurov with a team of cardiac surgeons from the Heart Institute has conducted free consultations in Kramatorsk and Artemivsk. They offered their help in dealing with the problems of local patients and IDPs.

16-07-15 Краматорск

During the visit, Boris Todurov stressed that at the moment the two clinics,which previously served the Donetsk region, now, unfortunately,are in occupied territory.Therefore, doctors of Heart Institute carry their equipment to be able to provide cardiac care to those who need it. Complex patients are sent to Kiev. The cost of the operation, materials, for the adult population is partially compensated by the state. Children are operated on for free.

During his stay in Kramatorsk Boris Todurov met with Paul Zhebrivskyi – chairman of the Donetsk Regional State Administration. He assured the professor that he will provide full support and promote social projects for Heart Institute. So, next year it is planned to open the center for angiographic cardiology on the basis of the city hospital №3 in Kramatorsk.