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Visit of doctors of the Heart Institute to Mariupol



The team of doctors (adult and children’s teams) together with the personell of the Department of Cardiosurgery, X-ray Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies of the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE) named after P. Shupik led by director of the Heart Institute Borys Todurov made a trip to the city of Mariupol in the Donbass during which cardiological and cardiosurgical profile patients were examined and the lectures for the doctors were conducted.

In total, more than 120 adults and children with ischemic heart disease, congenital and acquired heart defects, and other cardiovascular diseases were examined. Recommendations for further medical treatment were given, and more than 60 patients were recommended to undergo additional examinations in the “Heart Institute” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and some of them were recommended surgical treatment.

The Director General of the Heart Institute, Head of the Department of Cardiosurgery, X-ray Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE) named after P. Shupik, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, prof. Borys Todurov presented a report on the surgical treatment of thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

The associate professor of the same department Oleg Zelenchuk told about the management of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, and the assistant of the department Sergei Sudakevich – about the newest extracorporeal methods of treatment of the heart failure.