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Thematic Seminar on Heart Failure


On November 22, 2023, the Heart Institute and the Shupyk National University of Health Care of Ukraine held another thematic seminar “Heart failure: practical aspects of diagnosis and management of patients”. The main purpose of the event was to discuss controversial aspects of the management of patients with heart failure, in particular, drug therapy and indications for the use of devices and cardiac surgical interventions. The seminar was registered by the Testing Center at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as an event for the continuous professional development of doctors.

The event was opened by the deputy director of the Heart Institute Vitaliy Demyanchuk. In his lecture, Prof. Oleg Zharinov highlighted modern approaches to the diagnosis and management of patients with heart failure, focused on indications for revascularization in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, the possibilities of cardiac resynchronization therapy and physiological stimulation of the ventricles of the heart. Assistant of the Department of Functional Diagnostics Yevhen Novikov showed in detail the role of echocardiographic examination in determining the phenotype of the disease. Professor Hanna Radchenko (Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology, Clinical and Regenerative Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) used clinical examples to show the peculiarities of managing patients with heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction. The head of the Department of Myocardial Pathology and Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of the Heart Institute, Gavrylo Kovtun, devoted his report to the treatment of terminal heart failure and the achievements of the Institute in the field of transplantology.

The event was held in the lecture hall of the Department of Functional Diagnostics with an online broadcast. The listeners highly appreciated the comprehensive program, impeccable organization, and practical direction of the event, they received comprehensive answers to numerous questions. In just two days, more than 500 doctors watched the event on the YouTube platform. Access to the video remains open for the next week at the link: