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The Heart is Beating Again


Tonight at the Heart Institute another person got a second chance at life.
A heart transplant was performed on a 38-year-old man with a fourth blood type, which is quite rare. The transplant took 2 hours 5 minutes of ischemic time.
The donor was a young woman after brain death.

Special thanks to the donor family for allowing us to save another life. For them, it was a very difficult and respectable act. And now the life of their relative continues in the chest of the saved person, this morning the patient woke up and now breathes on his own, his heart is beating and the blood pressure is normal.

Many thanks to Vadym Kryzhevsky and colleagues from the Sixth Hospital, Kyiv, for their cooperation and excellent organization of transplantation, and to the police officers who helped doctors to transport the donor’s heart quickly.
Team of the Heart Institute: Prof. Borys Todurov, Gavril Kovtun, Anton Shpachuk, Oleksandr Postupalsky, Mykola Honcharenko, Maksym Khartanovych, Oleksandr Kiryaev, Oleksandr Revenko, Anna Melnyk.