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Children consulting

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Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Team of Specialists of The Heart Institute Lead by Professor Borys Todurov Worked in Mykolaiv and Kherson for Two Days


On March 25-26, 2019, a team of specialists from the Heart Institute lead by Professor Borys Todurov visited Mykolaiv and Kherson. 113 adult patients and 84 children were examined, two complex cardiac surgeries were performed.

The team of Borys Todurov included cardiac surgeons Vasyl Karpenko and Oleg Zelenchuk, ultrasound doctors-specialists Olena Duduko and Natalia Ponich.

On March 25, 2019, the Regional Hospital of Mykolaiv became the first destination of the trip, where specialists of the Heart Institute examined 63 children and 41 adults using portable ultrasound equipment. In addition, Professor Boris Todurov gave a lecture for local specialists on the topic “Novel technologies in cardiac surgery.”

The next day, March 26, 2019, 50 children and 43 adult patients were examined in the Clinical Hospital of Kherson. In addition to the examination of patients, two cardiac surgeries were performed – coronary artery bypass surgery of an adult patient (Professor Boris Todurov) and aortopexy of the newborn (cardiac surgeon Vasyl Karpenko).

In Kherson, Professor Boris Todurov gave an interview to Olena Malyarenko, journalist of the local media “Khersontsi”. An interview (in Russian) can be found here.