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Scientifiс conference: “Actual problems of cardiology and cardiac surgery”


More than 120 cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, doctors of functional diagnostics attended scientific and practical conference – “Actual problems of cardiology and cardiac surgery,” which was held by the “Heart Institute” of Ministry of health of Ukraine and the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education on the 2d of June.

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The purpose of this traditional event was to summarize the main results of researches conducted by the Institute and acting on its base the academic chairs during the academic year. The conference was opened by General Director of Heart Institute, Professor of Department of functional diagnostics, corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine, Professor Boris Todurov. In his report, he summed up the experience of emergency surgical revascularization in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Head of the department of functional diagnostics Prof. Oleg Zharinov lit from a position of operating the agreed recommendations of the indications for coronary artery bypass surgery and stenting of the coronary arteries in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. The speaker focused on the 2016 European recommendations on the treatment of heart failure.

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Particular attention of the audience was attracted by reports of young scientists and teachers of the Academy Natalia Ponich, Sergei Sudakevich, Oleg Zelenchuk. Based on the results of their own research and clinical experience, they considered controversial aspects of the treatment of coronary artery disease and aortic stenosis in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in acute heart failure.

Special guest of the conference Dr. Jeffrey Anderson (USA) discussed the latest evidence-based medicine in the field of medical and interventional treatment of heart disease. Conference materials are prepared for publication in one of the next issues of the journal “Cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology.”