Adult consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

+380 68 096-97-90
Children consulting

of children

5 A, Bratyslavska str,
Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Pediatric Heart Consultations for Young Patients in Kherson and Mykolaiv


Physicians from the Heart Institute including Dr. Vasyl Karpenko, Head of the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Department, and Dr. Oksana Adamenko, a cardiologist and specialist in ultrasound diagnostics, visited the Regional Children’s Hospitals in Kherson and Mykolaiv. Their mission was to provide consultations and examine 62 young patients with congenital heart defects. Ten of these children were subsequently admitted for further care.

It is challenging to imagine the difficult conditions under which local medical professionals are currently working. Despite this, they tirelessly save children’s lives every day and, during air raids, guide them to bomb shelters.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the doctors from the Mykolaiv Regional Children’s Hospital:

Marianna Makarova, Pediatric Cardiorheumatologist
Nataliia Popova, Cardiologist
Tetiana Somar, Ultrasound Diagnostician

We also appreciate the efforts of the medical team from Kherson, led by Inna Kholodniak:

Inna Badzian, Cardiologist
Iryna Shmalko, Ultrasound Diagnostician
Stanislav Bumbu, Chief Physician