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Implantation of a Micra Miniature Pacemaker in a Patient with Heart Failure


Recently, at the Heart Institute, another implantation of a Micra miniature pacemaker by Medtronic was performed.
The operation was performed by the Head of the Department of Cardiac Arrhythmias, interventional arrhythmologist Oleksandr Grytsay. He is the only doctor in Ukraine who performs these operations.
A total of 15 such devices have been implanted at the Heart Institute.

A 62-year-old patient who was worried about a heart attack at night visited the Institute. He was diagnosed with a transient atrioventricular block of vagal type. The patient was prescribed a pacemaker.

A team of specialists tried to implant the pacemaker in the traditional way, but during the procedure, it turned out that the patient had specific anatomical features which prevented the procedure. The vessels through which the electrode was passed on the left and right sides were narrowed.
So other solutions were considered:
– performing an open heart operation, when the electrode is sutured to the outside of the heart, but this is a very serious operation;
– or implant a Micra stimulator that does not require incisions. Such implantation is provided through blood vessels, a pacemaker being installed inside the heart.

The latter option turned out to be the most acceptable for the team. The patient agreed and the procedure was successfully performed.