Head of department
+38(044) 291-61-30
Oleg Zharinov, Phd
Based at the Institute of Heart, Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, the Department of Functional Diagnostics, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine includes the following scientific-pedagogical staff:
Head of the Department, Professor Oleg Zharinov
Professor of the Department Olga Yepanchintseva
Associate Professors Viktor Kuts, Lilia Tkachenko, Hanna Verezhnikova
Assistants Nataliya Lifantyeva, Nataliya Ivaniuk, Nataliya Ponich
All educators of the Department have a scientific grade of Doctor or Candidate of Medical Sciences. They perform an important consultative work in in-patient and out-patient departments of the Institute.
The education work of the Department includes postgraduate study of the physicians at specialization and fellowship cycles in cardiology and functional diagnostics. The Department conducts the topic cycles «Clinical electrocardiography», «Echocardiography», «Ambulatory ECG monitoring», «Diagnostics of cardiac arrhythmias and blockades», «Foundations of electroencephalography» etc.
The Department published a national textbook «Functional Diagnostics», practical textbooks «Foundations of ECG», «ECG for family physician» etc. The important part of cooperation between the Department and its clinical base are yearly licensed scientific-practical conferences «Functional diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases», «Days of arrhythmology in Kyiv», «Contemporary aspects of cardiology and cardiac surgery».
The Department played an important role in the creation of All-Ukrainian Association of Arrhythmology and Cardiac Electrophysiology, as well as preparation of the Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology journal, based in the Institute.
Head of the department Professor O. Zharinov is a deputy editor-in-chief of the Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology journal, expert of the Ministry of Healthcare in Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics, member of a number of working groups of the Ukrainian Association of Cardiology, member of the qualification council in cardiology and rheumatology in Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology. He supervised one Doctor and 16 Candidate of Medical Sciences theses.
A more detailed information about the department – Functional diagnostics – Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE) (nuozu.edu.ua)