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Department of Cardiac Surgery, Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies

The head of the department and its founder – Borys Todurov – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, MD, PhD, Professor, Honored Doctor of Ukraine

The Department of Cardiac Surgery, Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies was established on May 4, 2016 and operates on the basis of the State Institution “Heart Institute” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. All teachers of the department are constantly improving their pedagogical skills, while studying in domestic and foreign specialized institutions.

The purpose of the department was to provide doctors of various specialties to obtain and improve knowledge about the use of modern methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It should be noted that from February 16, 2021 the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyk was renamed into the National University of Health of Ukraine named after P.L. Shupika

Викладачі кафедри:

Boris Todurov – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, MD, PhD, Professor Sergey Furkalo – MD, PhD, Professor
Sergey Sudakevich – MD, PhD Oleg Zelenchuk – Associate Professor, MD, PhD
Olga Nadorak – MD, PhD Natalia Volodkina – Associate Professor, MD, PhD
Vadim Sakalov Ilya Leoshko
Andrey Khokhlov – MD, PhD Yaroslav Skibchik

Educational and methodical work

The educational and methodical work of the department includes postgraduate training of cardiovascular surgeons, cardiologists in the cycles of specialization in “Cardiovascular Surgery”, “Interventional Cardiology” and internship cycles. In addition, the department conducts a number of cycles of thematic improvement of doctors, which mainly cover modern aspects of methods of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. These cycles are addressed to cardiologists, surgical physicians, physicians in functional diagnostics, therapists, general practitioners – family physicians, as well as physicians of other specialties on the subject of cycles. The department is related to the specialty “Cardiovascular Surgery” and “Interventional Cardiology”, working on the creation of educational literature on aspects of cardiac surgery, cardiology, and new cycles on thematic improvement and methodological materials.

Scientific, clinical units and laboratories of the State Institution “Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” are an excellent basis for improving the knowledge of doctors of various specialties and allow for pedagogical, scientific and medical processes at a high modern level. Employees of the department have many years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work and comprehensively assist students to acquire academic knowledge.

List of cycles held at the department:

– Specialization in the specialty “Surgery of the heart and main vessels”
– Specialization in the specialty  “Interventional Cardiology”
– Certification training “Modern technologies for the treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease”
– Certification training “Latest methods of reconstructive cardiac surgery”
– Certification training “Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism”
– Certification training “Interventional methods of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases”
– Certification training “Topical issues of extracorporeal methods of treatment”
– Certification training “Latest methods of treatment of heart failure and cardiomyopathies”
– Certification training “Management of patients before and after cardiac surgery”

Therapeutic work

Consultative and diagnostic work is carried out by the staff of the department on a clinical basis in the State Institution “Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. Patient management, diagnostic procedures and medical interventions are carried out by teachers and clinical residents of the department. In the clinical-diagnostic department of the Institute of the Heart there is a consultative reception, medical work in the department of surgical treatment of coronary heart disease and main vessels №3 and other departments of the Institute of the Heart. Teachers mostly have the highest or first qualification category in the specialties: “Cardiovascular Surgery”, “Cardiology”, “Anesthesiology and Intensive Care”.

Head of the Department, Professor Todurov is actively working to improve the regulatory framework of documents on cardiovascular surgery. In addition, he regularly conducts consultative reception of patients at the State Institution “Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, conducts working trips with staff of the department to provide counseling to patients in the “ATO” area, conducts surgical treatment, active community and educational work, widely covering it in the media space.

International activities

Foreign citizens are constantly trained at the department. Recently, students from Syria, Uzbekistan, Tanzania, Georgia, Moldova, Bangladesh, Libya, and Turkmenistan have been studying. Foreign clinical residents work in the departments of the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, take an active part in surgical interventions, functional studies and coronary angiography and in the management of patients.

We are always happy to see students from foreign countries for residency and internships in cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology.

The international activity of the department also includes regular participation of employees in international, all-Ukrainian scientific congresses, congresses, conferences as speakers and students, internship trips to foreign clinics. Some employees are full members of many international societies.

Partners departments

The clinical base of the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies since 2016 is the State Institution “Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, 5A Bratyslavska St., Kyiv, 02660; .ua).

Employees of the department work in the departments of the Heart Institute, perform consultative, medical and operational work in the consultative and diagnostic outpatient department, the department of surgical treatment of coronary heart disease and main vessels №3 and other departments of the Heart Institute.

An important component of cooperation between the department and the clinical base is the holding of scientific and practical conferences together with the staff of the Heart Institute. The participants of these conferences are students of the department, employees of the Heart Institute, as well as other treatment and prevention facilities in Kyiv and the regions of Ukraine.

In cooperation with the department on the basis of the Heart Institute operates the All-Ukrainian Association of Specialists in Arrhythmology and Electrophysiology of the Heart, which publishes scientific and practical journal “Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology” (editor in chief – B. Todurov, deputy editor – O. Zharinov) , All-Ukrainian Association of Specialists in Cardiothoracic, Endovascular Surgery and Transplantology  (President – B. Todurov).


5A,Bratislavska, Kyiv, 02660, Ukraine

tel .: +380 (50) 5017028,

tel./fax: +380 (44) 2915525
