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Scientific conference “Functional diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases”

March 15-16, 2018 the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. Shupik and the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine held the sixth scientific and practical conference “Functional Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Academy. The purpose of the conference was to familiarize practitioners with modern capabilities of functional diagnostic methods, discuss the state of preparation of methodological and regulatory documents. The conference was attended by 238 doctors from all over Ukraine, including the main specialists in functional diagnostics of the regions of Ukraine.

The conference was opened by Director of the Heart Institute, Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery, X-ray Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies of NMAPE named after P. Shupik, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Borys Todurov. On behalf of the leadership of the Academy, the pro-rector on scientific work, Professor N. Savichuk greeted the conference participants. The moderators of the conference were the heads of the profile departments of the NMAPE named after P. Shupik and LNMU named after Danila Galitsky, professor O. Zharinov and Y. Ivaniv. The reports covered modern aspects of electro- and echocardiographic diagnostics, ultrasound research of vessels, ECG monitoring, event monitoring, polysomnography, and electroencephalography. Within the framework of the conference, the head of the functional diagnostics department of the NMAPE named after P. Shupik professor O. Zharinov and Associate Professor V. Kuts conducted master classes on diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias. Professor Yu. Ivaniv in his report highlighted the aspects of the diagnosis of noncompact myocardium. Within the framework of the conference, satellite symposiums of pharmaceutical companies were held in which Professors Yu. Sirenko and L. Mishchenko (ND Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine), and A. Koval (Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy) participated.

During the conference, a coordination-methodical meeting of the main specialists on functional diagnostics of the regions of Ukraine and representatives of the departments where the teaching of functional diagnostics is conducted was held. Professor O. Zharinov noted that the educational work carried out during the year in the specialty, in particular, school-seminars on functional diagnostics in the regions of Ukraine (Khmelnitsky, Poltava, Lviv, Mariupol) conducted jointly with the adjacent departments. The highlight of the conference was the presentation of the national textbook “Functional Diagnostics”.