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Boris Todurov has attended the opening of cardiac center in Zhitomir


In Zhytomyr, people with heart problems, no longer have to travel to big cities for treatment. Professionals conduct research, treatment and surgery in the newly opened regional cardiac center. It is planned that two hundred open-heart operations will be done annually.

After a few days all these beds will be filled because a third of the region’s residents have heart disease. However high professionalism of doctors and modern foreign equipment contribute to the preservation of life here.

Torbas Alexander, director of the State Administration of Health:

– If today the mortality from myocardial infarction without cardiac surgery – 16%, when it starts, this percentage will be reduced by half or even a third.

In cardiac center will be the “cycle”: from reception to rehabilitation. Here will be done as minimally invasive surgery, also open heart surgery. Zhytomyr’s doctors actively cooperate with experts from Kiev Heart Institute.

Boris Todurov, director of the Kiev Heart Institute:

– All the experts from Zhytomyr Regional Hospital has repeatedly been trained in the Heart Institute, including operating and intensive care nurses… but for the first patients as a new place, new equipment, we will do several operations together and then they will do it independently.

Author: Leonid Harshan.