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Award ceremony of soldiers from ATO was held at the Heart Institute


March 23, 2015
Award ceremony of  soldiers from ATO (Anti-terrorist operation region) who are currently under rehabilitation and treatment in the clinic was held at the Heart Institute. Representatives of the Union Veterans of Angola awarded with diplomas and medals “For defense of their own country” four soldiers.

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Also for martial and labor services self-sacrifice in the line of duty and for direct participation in treatment and rehabilitation of wounded soldiers from ATO were awarded  CEO of Heart Institute  Boris Todurov and Head of Department for treatment of ischemic heart disease Viktor Shevchenko.

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“This award – a sad occasion for joy. Because we all want to live in peace but we are forced to take up arms to defend what rightfully belongs to us – our land. Our hospital during all this time has passed and put on his feet  more than 60 fighters. Fortunately, they are all alive and can plan their lives. In addition, my colleagues have repeatedly went to help the boys. What we saw there – scary, especially now in a time when seemingly all wars are over, “- said General Director of Heart Institute Boris Todurov.

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фото: Елена Растенко