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X Conference on Functional Diagnostics of Cardiovascular Diseases


On June 22-23, 2022, the P. Shupyk National University of Health of Ukraine and the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine held the 10th registered scientific and practical conference on Functional Diagnostics of Cardiovascular Diseases.

The main goal of this annual conference was to acquaint practicing doctors with the modern possibilities of functional diagnostic methods and to discuss the state of preparation of methodical and regulatory documents. More than 500 doctors from all regions of Ukraine, including experts in cardiology and functional diagnostics, heads and representatives of specialized departments, have pre-registered to participate in the forum. In total, the conference continued for more than 9 hours.
The conference was opened with an opening speech by the general director of the Institute of the Heart, the Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery, X-ray Endovascular and Extracorporeal technologies of the National Institute of Health of Ukraine, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor Borys Todurov. In the topical lecture, the speaker talked about the latest achievements of the Heart Institute in the field of the treatment of pulmonary embolism.

The topics of the conference included modern aspects of electrocardiographic and echocardiographic diagnostics, ultrasound examination of vessels, Holter ECG monitoring, event monitoring, and the use of implanted devices. The most powerful contribution to the scientific program was made by the staff of the departments of the National University of Health and the Heart Institute (B. Todurov, O. Zharinov, V. Kuts, A. Khokhlov, M. Stan, N. Lifantiyeva, L. Tkachenko, O. Yepanchintseva, Ya. Skybchyk), of adjacent departments of Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin (V. Tseluiko), Danylo Halytsky National Medical University (N. Oryshchyn, A. Yagenskyi, M. Sorokivskyi, U. Chernyaga-Royko), Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University (S. Fedorov). The attention of the audience was attracted by reports on screening and diagnosis of atrial arrhythmias, echocardiographic examination in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, ECG monitoring in patients with coronary heart disease, and the use of functional diagnostic methods in venous thrombosis and thromboembolism.

In the framework of satellite symposia and interactive interdisciplinary discussions, modern approaches to instrumental examination and management of patients with acute coronary syndromes, stable coronary heart disease, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure were considered. During the conference, a presentation of the practical guide “Atrial fibrillation and flutter” took place. The moderator of the conference, Professor Oleg Zharinov, informed the participants about the work of the Department of Functional Diagnostics of the National University of Health as support by specialty.

Holding the conference was an important step for strengthening the community of specialized departments under the conditions of martial law and continuous professional development of doctors who deal with various aspects of functional diagnostics. Conference participants received electronic certificates in accordance with existing regulations. A video recording of the conference will be available for viewing on YouTube during the week.