Adult consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

+380 68 096-97-90
Children consulting

of children

5 A, Bratyslavska str,
Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Training of Our Team of Doctors at the Massachusetts General Hospital Clinic in Boston, USA


Our team of doctors from the Heart Institute – Prof. Borys Todurov, Sofia Chaykovska, Serhiy Sudakevych, Igor Kuzmich, and Mykola Melnyk – trained at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA.

Here, high-tech heart surgeries are performed and the specialists have some of the best results in treating patients after heart and lung transplants. Our doctors participated in organ harvesting and operations. American colleagues introduced the postoperative care of patients after organ transplantation.

This hospital is considered one of the best in the USA. The main rule of MGH is to constantly educate.

The training at the Massachusetts General Hospital took place at the invitation of our compatriot, cardiac surgeon, professor at Harvard School Serhiy Melnychuk.

Serhiy is a true master of robotic and minimally invasive cardiac surgery. He performs complex heart and lung transplant surgeries, saving patients’ lives.

Last summer, we had the honor of hosting Serhiy at our Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. He conducted a master class on minimally invasive cardiac surgery, performing thoracoscopic mitral valve replacement. This meeting inspired us to work even harder.

We are sincerely grateful to Serhiy Melnychuk for his constant support of Ukraine and for his help in training our doctors.