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Scientific conference: “Functional diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases”


April 12, 2013 National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupik and Kyiv City Heart Center have hosted their first scientific conference: ” Functional diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases”.

The purpose of the conference was to present to practitioners modern methods of functional diagnostics capabilities, discussing ways to improve the service of functional diagnostics in Ukraine, preparation of appropriate teaching and regulations.

The conference was attended by over 300 physicians from different regions of Ukraine. The reports by leading experts of Ukraine highlighted the aspects of modern electrocardiographic diagnosis of arrhythmias, ambulatory ECG monitoring, stress tests, echocardiography, vascular ultrasound, assessment of lung function.

“The need to prepare new regulations is determined by the growing role of functional diagnostics in modern clinic, changing the components of the services, new methods of instrumental diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory system and brain, the need to improve the training system ” – said Chief Specialist Ministry of Health of Ukraine with functional testing, Professor of cardiology and Functional Diagnostics NMAPO named after PLShupyk Oleg Zharinov.

The outcome of the conference was the establishment of the Working Group MoH Ukraine to update the regulatory framework for functional diagnostics.