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Master-Class on Heart Failure


On April 22 – April 24, 2019 a unique multidisciplinary master-class on the diagnosis and modern treatment of heart failure for seven young cardiologists from Kyiv was held. The initiators of the unique educational project were the employees of the Heart Institute and located on its clinical base departments of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. Shupyk.

The master-class was opened by the Head of the Department of Cardiosurgery, X-ray and Intravascular and Extracorporeal technologies, Professor Borys Todurov. During three working days, the students were completely “plunged” into the work of the clinic. They were directly acquainted with the work of the operational unit, angiography departments, intensive care, and electrophysiological laboratory. Heads of the Departments of the Heart Institute and the staff of the Department of Functional Diagnostics have specially prepared a diverse lecture program and conducted a lot of clinical treatments. In just three days the students were able to significantly increase their level of preparation for the newest aspects of diagnosis, medical treatment and modern interventions in patients with heart failure. They studied the algorithms of patients’ examination in detail, got new knowledge about the use of modern methods of functional diagnostics, preparation for cardiosurgical and endovascular interventions.

The intensive program of the course was prepared in line with such programs in the countries of Western Europe, that have been attended by the staff of the Heart Institute and located at its clinical base of departments. The successful experience of conducting a master-class will form the basis for the preparation of new short courses of thematic development in modern problems of functional diagnostics, cardiology and cardiac surgery for doctors.