Adult consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

+380 68 096-97-90
Children consulting

of children

5 A, Bratyslavska str,
Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Irуna Shvets

Нigh qualification   functional diagnostics  МD

First  qualification cardiologist, MD

1995 –   graduated from  Odessa State Medical University named after N.I.

She has specialization in functional diagnostics at the Department of Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics of the Kiev Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after. P.L. Shupik Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

She graduated from the thematic improvement courses “Therapeutic Aspects of Cardiac Surgery” and “Echocardiography” at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. N.M. Amosov, Kyiv. Thematic improvement “Daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure in the diagnosis and evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of cardiac diseases” based on NMAPE them P. L. Shupik

She has the specialization in cardiology on the basis of NMAPO. P. L. Shupik.

Since 2007, she worked as a functional diagnostics MD in the Kiev  heart Center.

From 2013 –  till now:    head of the consultative-diagnostic department of   Heart Institute Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Experience in performing the following clinical research methods:

– Electrocardiography.

– Daily monitoring of ECG (Holter) and blood pressure on the devices “Diacard”, “Cardiospy” and ABPM.

– Stress-tests  (bicycle ergometry, treadmill test) on the Corival and Valiant devices, the Netherlands.

– Echocardiography (Philips Affinity 70G , Toshiba Artida, General Electric Vivid S70N ).

Repeatedly participated in scientific and practical seminars and conferences, including international (EUROECHO 2011, Hungary), has printed scientific papers.

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