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The X Anniversary International Medical Forum “Medicine Innovations – The Nation’s Health”

17.04.2019 - 19.04.2019

The long-awaiting event in Ukraine’s healthcare sector – the 10th Anniversary International Medical Forum “Medicine Innovations – the Nation’s Health” – will be held on April 17-19, 2019.

Join us at the new venue – the International Exhibition Center at 15 Brovarsky Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine!


Every year, the Forum becomes a meeting place for the professional medical community including scientists and healthcare professionals, top management of healthcare institutions, both private and public, chief physicians and their deputies, developers of new technologies and IT tools, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment for medical institutions and laboratories, medical items and pharmaceutical products.


What are the achievements the world and Ukrainian medicine can be proud of? What innovations could doctors and patients expect? Have therapeutic approaches to common diseases changed? Answers to these and many other questions can be found at the Forum. Among other similar industry-specific events, the Forum features a very extensive research program and holds large-scale specialized exhibitions. The International Medical Forum is a very good opportunity not only to hear about innovations but to see them with your own eyes, to try them personally and learn firsthand how to use them in practice.


Over its 9-year history, the Forum’s achievements are really impressive: the Forum has been attended by 100,000+ HCPs from all over Ukraine and other countries; 700+ conferences, symposia, workshops, and master classes have been held so far and 5,000+ authoritative speakers have shared their unique experience and valuable expertise.


The Forum is co-organized by the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and LMT Company with the support of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv City State Administration and under the auspices of the Healthcare Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Medical associations, civil society organizations, higher medical educational institutions, as well as domestic and foreign media also contributed to the preparation to the Forum and its informational content.


General Partner: CANON

Participating partners: INMED Ukraine, Amed, UMT +, Med Exim, KHIMlaborreaktiv, Biomed, Expert, UKR DIAGNOSTIKA, RH, Vector-Best-Ukraine, Viola Medtekhnika, Protech Solution Ukraine, Medicom-Ukraine, Zdravo and others.

The list of participants over the Forum’s long history is really long, including but not limited to: 3M Ukraine; Balton; Bio-Rad; CHISON MEDICAL IMAGING; DX-SYSTEMS, Integrated Medical Group; GUANGZHOU IMPROVE MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS; Labco; Medonica; SonoScape; Winncare Polska; Abbott Laboratories S.A.; AVIS – MED; Agat-Med; Alfa SPA; Ampri Ukraine; AFS Medizintechnik; Bio Test Med; BIOLINE Ukraine; BMT UA; Vega Medica; VKF Medtechnika; VOLES; Hemoplast; Granum; Dana MS, Dent Land; Dentaum; Diameb; Diaprof-Med; EximCargoTrade; Erba Lachema; Soering GmbH; ІМЕСК; IN MEDICAL; Indar; INMED Ukraine; Intermedika; Intero; CARDIO; KVANT; KVO MEDAPARATURA; Kontakt; Kormey; Ksenko; LABWELL; LABVITA; Ledum; Likar; Medgarant; Medigran; Merkator Medikal; MERKURIY WEST; Miz-МА; МК Kvertimed Ukraine; Modem 1; NEW MEDICAL GROUP; Oniko; Optima Pharm; Organization of Medical Business; OSD Eastern Europe; Polipromsyntez, POLTAVA MEDOBLADNANNIA; Praktyka; Premier-Dental; Profimed-Servis; RADMIR; Ramintek; Rehaflex; Ridan Engineering; Roche Ukraine; RUS-Co, Servicemed; Simesta VAAL; Scanner; SportMedImport; Т.В.К. Group; Takeda Ukraine; Teleoptic; Terra-Med; TESPRO; UKRORGSYNTEZ; UKRTELEMED; PHARMASCO; Photonica Plus; Heel, ХЕМА; Sherl; Uvis; United Medical Service; UTAS and many other well-known companies.


The exciting expositions will be presented at a light and large exhibition area. The Expo will bring together leaders of the foreign and domestic healthcare markets – more than 400 participants.


MEDICAEXPO International Healthcare Exhibition

MEDICAEXPO will present the full range of equipment, devices, tools, and medical items manufactured by domestic and foreign companies including:

  • Medical and diagnostic equipment
  • X-ray equipment (CT/MRI scanners, ultrasound diagnostics and other equipment)
  • Package solutions for medical laboratories
  • Equipment and technologies for medical and physical rehabilitation
  • Medical furniture, engineering and package solutions, cleanroom technologies for healthcare facilities
  • Cleaning, sterilization and disinfection
  • Overalls and personal protective equipment
  • Consumables and disposables
  • Information and telecommunication technologies for healthcare institutions

PHARMAEXPO International Pharmaceutical Exhibition

This feature area will present medicinal and para-pharmaceutical products and medical supplies and will offer information on various equipment for pharmacies and services for the pharmaceutical market.

The International Exhibition Center – the venue where the Forum will take place – will become the epicenter of events for three days. The most interesting things in medicine will take place there. The Forum helps people to establish business contacts, build partnership driven by professional interests and get expert advice on how to use equipment in practice. The Forum serves as a research and practical event and, at the same time, is a technical hypermarket for medical equipment and facilities where visitors can quickly make the right choice and find the best option.

Our guests and partners often say: ‘The program is so interesting that I’d like to visit all events and at once!’ To help our visitors not to get lost in the variety of events, we offer efficient tools to schedule and plan meetings with prospective partners well in advance.

Our service Schedule a Business Meeting helps you to use your time in the most efficient way, while BusinessPoint and BuyersProgram tools will help you to hold negotiations and make supply contracts for equipment, consumables and other goods.



The 8th International Medical Congress “Introduction of Medical Science Advances in Healthcare Practice in Ukraine” will discuss the latest developments in prevention, diagnostics and treatment which can be widely implemented in the healthcare practice in the nearest future.

The Congress is an international interdisciplinary platform for professional development and advanced training that uses various formats, such as symposia, conferences, round-table discussions, seminars and master classes.

Congress organizers, co-organizers and partners include medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, research institutions of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, departments of Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, authoritative associations and unions, medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, medical universities, postgraduate educational institutions and many others.


Congress feature areas:

  • Healthcare organization and management
  • Private Medicine Days
  • Laboratory Medicine Days
  • Medical radiology: ultrasound diagnostics, conventional X-ray diagnostics, radiologic imaging, CT/MRI technologies, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, radiation safety
  • General practice – family medicine
  • Therapy, pediatrics, cardiology, neurology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, and nutrition science
  • Ophthalmology
  • Emergency and disaster medicine
  • Military medicine
  • Surgery, neurosurgery, endoscopy, burn injury medicine
  • Traumatology and orthopedics
  • Physical therapy and medical rehabilitation
  • Telemedicine and medical information systems
  • Functional diagnostics
  • Oncology
  • Hematology and transfusion medicine
  • Otolaryngology
  • Gynecology, reproduction, obstetrics, perinatology, and neonatology
  • Urology and nephrology
  • Organization and management of pharmacy
  • Nursing care


MEDZOOM: Focus on Experience and Professionalism

Various educational schools and workshops, where participants can get firsthand experience and advice on how to use equipment, will be traditionally held at the Forum.


MEDZOOM will host:

  • Chief Physician’s School
  • Ukrainian Laboratory School
  • All-Ukrainian School of Ultrasound & Functional Diagnostics
  • Ukrainian Academician M.D. Strazhesko School of Cardiology
  • Therapy School
  • School of Emergency Medical Care
  • Rehabilitation Therapy School
  • Ukrainian Nursing School

The Congress was entered to the «Register of Congresses, Symposia, and Research & Practical Conferences». Participants of the research and practical events held at the Congress will receive CERTIFICATES of advanced training.


The two specialized events will be held in parallel to the Forum:


This professional platform will bring together public officials, top management of public and private medical institutions, chief physicians and their deputies, business owners and representative of business circles, and international experts to discuss innovations, share best practice on how to adapt to the new realities and provide high-quality services during the healthcare reforms. The discussions are expected to be hot, interesting and constructive.




This Expo will also present national developments from various countries, leading clinics, medical and rehabilitation centers, health resorts, SPA & wellness resorts from Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Israel, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, South Korea, Malaysia, Romania and many other countries. Visitors will share information about treatment and rehabilitation options available in Ukraine and abroad and could analyze how competitive our country is on the international medical tourism market, what the challenges we face in incoming international tourism and how foreign patients can be encouraged to use the services offered by Ukrainian medical specialists.


Register on the website to get your free invitation to the Forum events!

Looking forward to see you on April  17-19, 2019 at the International Exhibition Center!

 (15 Brovarsky Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine, Livoberezhna Metro Station)


Contact information:

Participation in exhibitions:

Tel.: +380 (44) 206-10-16, 206-10-98


Participation in the Congress:

Tel.: +380 (44) 206-10-99, 206-10-19





Event Category:


Національна академія медичних наук України
Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти ім. П.Л.Шупика


МВЦ, Броварський пр., 15, Київ
Броварський пр, 15
Київ, Украина
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