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Educational Workshop on ECG Diagnosis of Tachyarrhythmias


On June 20, 2023, another educational workshop, “ECG diagnosis and management of patients with paroxysmal tachyarrhythmias,” was jointly organized by the Heart Institute and the Shupyk National University of Health Care of Ukraine. The workshop was registered by the Testing Center at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as an event for the continuous professional development of doctors. It was held in a hybrid format in the lecture hall of the Department of Functional Diagnostics. About 200 doctors of various specialties have registered for participation.

The participants of the workshop were greeted by the Director General of the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Professor B. Todurov. He drew attention to the importance of the problem of cardiac arrhythmias in the modern cardiology and cardiosurgical clinic. He emphasized the importance of Continous Professional Development to increase the level of doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of heart rhythm disorders.

The rich program of the 4-hour narrowly thematic workshop included reports on ECG diagnosis and differential diagnosis of paroxysmal tachycardia (Prof. Oleg Zharinov, Viktor Kuts, Hanna Verezhnikova), methods of examination of arrhythmological patients (Yaroslav Skybchyk), catheter treatment of heart rhythm disorders ( B. Kravchuk) and the role of implanted devices (Oleksandr Hrytsai, Yaroslav Skybchyk).

Traditionally, within two days after the event, participants had the opportunity to answer tests specially prepared by the lecturers and receive a Continous Professional Development certificate. The full video recording of the workshop is available on the YouTube channel. Studying the materials of the workshop can be helpful not only for the improvement of cardiologists and doctors of functional diagnostics, but also for doctors of related specialties who are involved in the management of patients with heart rhythm disorders.