Adult consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

+380 68 096-97-90
Children consulting

of children

5 A, Bratyslavska str,
Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Blood Transfusion Department

Blood Transfusion Department was formed in 2007, as a part of the Kyiv City Heart Center.

The main function of the department is to provide surgical departments with blood and blood substitutes. It is doing a great job when selecting the blood donors, laboratory analysis, preparing the donation, processing and storing the blood, ensures the quarantine of blood components, including the preparation transfusion envirement.

Hospital patients are getting this services in inpatient and in an outpatient departments, they can also receive the immune study types of blood using the latest technology, individual selecting the blood for patients.

Blood transfusion department is constantly involved in researching and knoweledge base development and is also working hard to train the staff on blood transfusion ruegulations, they maintain supporting documentation, control components and blood products and blood substitutes in science – for clinical departments.

Those who receive blood donoation are served by highly skilled individuals in the donor program, where department equipped with latest equipment and using only disposable material, which excludes the possibility of any infection.

The objectives of this department are following:

• organize and provide the care for patients in need of blood transfusion with special methods hemotherapy (autologous, reinfusion);
• ensure the separation of the key components and drugs, donated blood immune reagents, creating a “blood bank” for blood supply;
• implement regular training for medical staff on transfusion therapy, prevention and treatment of post-transfusion complications;
• promote the implementation in a comprehensive program of treatment with new transfusion techologies;
• systematic carry out analysis of transfusion therapy in each clinical department of the Centre