Adult consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

+380 68 096-97-90
Children consulting

of children

5 A, Bratyslavska str,
Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Consultative and Diagnostic Outpatient Department for Children

The department has the most modern equipment for the diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system and extracardiac pathologies in newborns and children.

Modern ultrasound equipment allows you to get excellent image quality. The examination is performed on highly specialized ultrasound diagnostic systems from PHILIPS iE33, General Electric (Vivid iq, Logiq F6). This allows in shortest possible time and with high accurate to diagnose the patient in accordance with modern European and world standards, to identify comorbidities to determine the indications for surgery and reduce the risk of surgery to a minimum.

In addition to standard visualization of chambers and heart valves (M-mode, B-mode), the assessment of intracardiac blood flow is also performed using Continuous-Wave and Pulsed-Wave Doppler Techniques in real time.

Detailing of the data received at carrying out a usual echocardiography, if necessary is supplemented by esophageal (transesophageal) echocardiographic research.

You can make an appointment for a consultation
Monday to Friday
from 9:30 to 15:30

+38 (044) 291-61-48

Scheduled outpatient admission is performed for all children without signs of viral infection, by appointment on a specific date and time

You shall have with you:

  • child’s birth certificate
  • documents of one of the parents
  • preliminary conclusions of the ECG, echocardiography (if any)
  • referral from a cardiologist, pediatrician (if available)
  • mask, boot covers, diapers

Services and procedures:

Computed tomography and radiation diagnostics

Echocardiogram of pregnant women to detect internal heart defects in the fetus

Echocardiography, ultrasound of the heart


Esophageal echocardiography

Holter ECG monitoring

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland


Abnormal departure of the coronary artery from the pulmonary artery

Aortic stenosis

ASD – Atrial septal defect

Congenital stenosis of the aortic valve

Double outlet right ventricle

HLHS – Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Isolated pulmonary artery valve stenosis

Partial anomalous venous return (PAPVR)

Pulmonary artery atresia

Single Ventricle Defects

Tetralogy of Fallot

Total anomalous pulmonary venous return

Transposition of main vessels

VSD – Ventricular septal defect

We are contacted by people with the following diagnoses:

Abnormal departure of the coronary artery from the pulmonary artery

Aortic stenosis

ASD – Atrial septal defec

ASD – Atrial septal defect

Congenital stenosis of the aortic valve

Double outlet right ventricle

HLHS – Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Isolated pulmonary artery valve stenosis

Partial anomalous venous return (PAPVR)

Pulmonary artery atresia

Single Ventricle Defects

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)

Total anomalous pulmonary venous return

Transposition of main vessels

Ventricular septal defect (VSD)

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