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Online Conference “Cardiosurgical Aspects in Doctor’s Practice”

On November 24, 2022, the online conference “Cardiosurgical Aspects in a Doctor’s Practice” was held.
Actual approaches in methods of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, in accordance with international standards, allow for saving the lives of thousands of Ukrainians.
The event’s purpose was to increase doctors’ awareness of modern algorithms for the detection and treatment of cardiovascular diseases at all stages of treatment.

Co-organizers of this registry event were the Heart Institute, the P. Shupik National University of Health Care of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Transplantology, and the School of Innovative Medicine (SIM).

Prof. Borys Todurov was the scientific moderator of the event.
More than 1,000 doctors of various specialties from all regions of Ukraine took part in the conference.
Our speakers, leading cardiac surgeons of Ukraine, reported on very relevant topics, such as:
– “Features of treatment of cardiovascular insufficiency”, Prof. Borys Todurov;
– “Approach to tactics in acute coronary syndrome”, Andrii Khokhlov;
– “Treatment and diagnosis of pulmonary embolism”, Boris Todurov;
– “Endovascular prosthetics of the aortic valve”, Mykhailo Todurov, Andriy Khokhlov;
– “Neocuspidization as a method of surgical correction of the aortic and pulmonary valves of the heart”, Ihor Mokryk;
– “Treatment of aneurysms of the thoracic aorta”, Oleg Zelenchuk.

The conference has shown the great solidarity of the Ukrainian medical community in solving topical issues related to diseases of the cardiovascular system.
The recording of the conference is available at the following link: