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Conference “Actual Issues of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery” at the Heart Institute


On October 24, 2024, the 10th annual scientific and educational conference “Current Issues of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery” was held at the Heart Institute. It was organized with the participation of the Departments of Functional Diagnostics and Cardiac Surgery, X-ray Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine. The purpose of the forum was to acquaint doctors of various specialties with innovations in the field of cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology, methods of functional diagnosis, and treatment of cardiac diseases, introduced into clinical practice during the last year. The conference was held in a hybrid format, it was registered by the Testing Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as a professional development event for doctors of various specialties.

The conference was opened by the General Director of the Heart Institute Prof. Borys Todurov. In his report, he spoke about the achievements of the Institute in the field of transplantology, in particular, during the full-scale war. The topic of the conference covered the latest aspects of cardiosurgical and endovascular treatment of aortic heart defects (A. Khokhlov, I. Stetsyuk, I. Mokryk, M. Hassanzadeh, K. Boyko). During the conference, the results of scientific research by doctors of the Heart Institute and postgraduate students of the departments of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine.

Controversial aspects of the management of patients with heart failure were highlighted in the report of the head of the Department of Cardiology, Laboratory and Functional Diagnostics of the Karazin Kharkiv National University Prof. V. Tseluiko. There was a detailed discussion of the new European recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation (O. Zharinov, Ya. Skybchyk).

In general, the conference addressed the priority areas of cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology in the work of the Heart Institute – one of the leading cardiac surgical and cardiology centers in Ukraine. It testifies to the preservation of a high standard of scientific research and continuous professional development of doctors at the departments of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, who work on the basis of the Heart Institute. Over 300 doctors watched the recording of the conference on the YouTube platform in just two days.

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