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Children consulting

of children

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Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Ceremonial Discharge of Solomiyka and Yuliana After Heart Transplantation


What a remarkable event at the Heart Institute!

Today, a solemn press conference, “Life goes on,” was held, dedicated to the first child-to-child heart transplant in Ukraine, to draw public attention to the achievements of Ukrainian medicine and the importance of the culture of donation.

The first child-to-child heart transplant in Ukraine occurred on the night of July 9-10, 2023, at the Heart Institute. A new heart was received by six-year-old Solomiyka, who suffered a common viral infection a year and a half earlier, which resulted in a severe heart complication. The donor for her was the boy, Yura, four years old, who suddenly received a diagnosis incompatible with life.

The press conference was held on the day of Solomiyka’s discharge, which was also joined by Yuliana, 17 years old, who underwent a heart transplant a day before Solomiyka in Lviv, which became possible thanks to the fruitful cooperation of colleagues of the Heart Institute and the First Medical Association of Lviv.

Despite the wartime, we are doing everything possible to develop transplantation in Ukraine. We thank all doctors for their work, all those involved in transplantation for their support – the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Transplant Coordination Center, and the government.

During his speech, Viktor Lyashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine, emphasized that “the formation of a culture of donation in Ukraine is one of the key factors of progress in the field of transplantation.”

We would also like to thank Oksana Dmytrieva – People’s Deputy of Ukraine, and Dmytro Koval – General Director of the Ukrainian Center for Transplant Coordination, who visited us to discuss urgent issues in this area of medicine.

Borys Todurov, summing up the event, noted that “for the sake of such moments, for the sake of these smiles, it is worth living and working.”

Solomiyka and Yuliana, having received goodies from the Milk Bar, gifts from the House of Toys, and event guests, went home with their parents.
We wish them the most important thing – good health and a peaceful sky in free, independent Ukraine.

Life goes on. Together to victory!