Adult consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

+380 68 096-97-90
Children consulting

of children

5 A, Bratyslavska str,
Kyiv 02166, Ukraine


Simultaneous Operation on an 87-Year-Old Patient

Recently, our team performed an extremely complex operation on 87-year-old Kim Pylypovich. Imagine: a person is almost 90 years old, yet he is ready to fight for her health and the joy of life!

Heart Transplant 40 km from the Front: Life Does Not Stop!

The team of the Heart Institute performed a successful heart transplant at the Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical Hospital. This is already the 104th heart transplant of the team in the last three years.

Team of the Heart Institute Trained in Turkey

Our anesthesiologists, Anna Dobrovolska and Khrystyna Palyga, completed an internship at the multidisciplinary clinic of Acibadem Hastanesi. During the week, doctors improved their professional skills,  got acquainted with new approaches in cardiac surgery and transplantology, and studied the experience of Turkish colleagues in conducting minimally invasive operations.

Educational Master Class “Complex Aspects of Managing Patients with Heart Rhythm and conduction disorders”

Reports on the most relevant issues of modern arrhythmology were included in the rich program of the almost 4-hour master class.

The Heart Institute and NGO “Born Again” held the first meeting of patients

We hope that such meetings and exchanges of experiences will occur on an ongoing basis because they are a great support on this difficult path, as well as an opportunity to hear the real needs of such patients and help them!

Milestone of 100 Heart Transplants Has Been Achieved

A few years ago, each of these operations was an event, and people excitedly followed the work of the doctors, the courage of the patients, and the greatness of the decision of the donors’ families with sinking hearts.

The Heart Institute and the Public Organization “Born Again” Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

Our patient, who was one of the first to undergo a heart transplant with us in 2020, Serhiy Kozachok, has now visited us as the director of a public organization “Born Again” whose main purpose is to popularize transplantation in Ukraine and help those who need it or those who have already passed through it.

Sharing Our Achievements Internationally

The presentations at the Euroanesthesia 2024 Congress not only demonstrate the achievements of Ukrainian healthcare but also contributes to the integration of Ukrainian specialists into the international medical community, raising the level of medical services in Ukraine and contributing to the development of science and education in the field of anesthesiology and intensive care.


The “Modern Cardiology” conference became an extremely important stage of cooperation between the Heart Institute and the cardiology clinic of Vilnius University. Special thanks to our partners – the pharmaceutical company “Darnytsia”! We hope that the “Modern Cardiology” conference will become a good tradition.

The Heart Institute Joins the Academy of Orphan Diseases

As part of the cooperation, the Institute’s specialists will have access to European diagnostic facilities to be able to identify a rare hereditary disease in Ukrainian patients – Fabry’s disease.

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