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Annual Conference on Functional Diagnostics


On March 14-15, 2024, the National University of Health Care of Ukraine named after P. Shupyk and the Heart Institute held the 12th Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation on Functional Diagnostics of Cardiovascular Diseases.

The main goal of this annual conference was to familiarize practicing physicians with the modern capabilities of functional diagnostic methods in cardiology. Over 600 doctors from various specialties across Ukraine, including experts in cardiology and functional diagnostics, department heads and representatives, registered to participate in the forum. The conference took place in the conference hall of the Heart Institute with online broadcasting. The majority of speakers delivered their presentations in person.

The conference began with a speech by Prof. Borys Todurov, the General Director of the Heart Institute. He discussed the Institute’s innovations and achievements over the past year, particularly focusing on heart transplantation.

The conference covered various aspects of modern electro- and echocardiographic diagnostics, ultrasound examination of vessels, Holter ECG monitoring, event monitoring, and the operation of implanted devices. Notably, the scientific program was significantly enriched by contributions from faculty members of the University and the Heart Institute, including Prof. Borys Todurov, Dr. Oleksandr Zharinov, Dr. Volodymyr Kuts, Dr. Nataliia Lifantieva, Dr. Liudmyla Tkachenko, Dr. Iryna Shkurat, Dr. Olena Yepanchintseva, Dr. Yaroslav Skybchyk, and Dr. Yevhen Novikov. Leading experts from related departments of Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin (Dr. Volodymyr Tseluiko), Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Dr. Nataliia Oryshchyn, Dr. Mykhailo Sorokivskyi), Zaporizhzhia State Medical University (Dr. Dmytro Lashkul), Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University (Dr. Serhii Fedorov), and M. Pyrogov Vinnytsia National Medical University (Dr. Volodymyr Ivanov) also actively participated. A highlight of the conference was a presentation by one of Europe’s leading experts, Prof. Krzysztof Smajda (Center for Postgraduate Medical Education in Warsaw, Poland), focusing on the latest aspects of stress echocardiography.

For the first time during the conference, an interactive master class on electrocardiographic diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias was conducted as a separate event for continuing medical education. Audience engagement was facilitated by online voting on the discussion of numerous clinical cases.

The conference represents a significant step in strengthening the community of specialized departments and continuous professional development for physicians involved in various aspects of functional diagnostics. Participants will receive certificates in accordance with the requirements of the Testing Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The video recording of the conference will be available for viewing on the YouTube platform for the next two weeks.