Adult consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

Children consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

of children

5 A, Bratyslavska str,
Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Andrii Shantsyn

Anesthesiologist – reanimatologist


2011 – 2017 – Bogomolets National Medical University.

2017 -2019 –  P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, specialization –

anesthesiology and intensive care

From 2019 –  anesthesiologist of the State Institution “Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”

Сompleted thematic advanced training courses in:

– regional anesthesia

– respiratory support in patients with difficult airways

– bronchoscopy

– ultrasound diagnostics in IT

– renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis)

Has experience in trombolitic therapy, treating patients in critical condition and after organ transplantation (heart, kidneys),past cardiac surgeries, organs of the abdominal cavity and patients after mine-explosive injuries.

Active participant of professional conferences with international participation.

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