The main topics covered in the course are the basics of transplant coordination, transplantation, and educational work with the population regarding donation issues, i.e. organ donation after death, to save other people.
The course discussed the management and diagnosis of brain death, the rules of conversation with relatives and friends of the donor, and how to help make the right decision. Issues of ethics and psychology related to donation, religious aspects of such decisions, and their full support from the main religions of the world – Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. – were raised.
We are happy that we had the opportunity to join such an event, to speak before the international community, and to talk about our experience in transplant coordination, which is gaining momentum every year in Ukraine.
A critical component for the development of transplantation is the education of citizens and society regarding the acceptance of donation and the understanding that each person after death can save many lives – from two to eight or more lives and this is the greatest manifestation of sacrifice and consciousness.
We thank the Ukrainian Center for Transplant Coordination, Prof. Borys Todurov, and Mykhailo Zagriichuk for their support.