Adult consulting:
mon-fr: 8:30-15:30

+380 68 096-97-90
Children consulting

of children

5 A, Bratyslavska str,
Kyiv 02166, Ukraine

Paediatric Day Hospital

The paediatric cardiac surgery department performs a full range of surgeries for congenital heart disease. We do our best to make each of our little patients leave the hospital healthy and happy. We treat patients of all ages, including newborns and preterm babies. 

Department is designed for 20 beds, located in single and double rooms, equipped for the most comfortable stay of children and their parents. About 500 surgeries are performed in the department per year.

The work of the cardiac surgery department of congenital heart defects is organized in accordance with the standards of world’s best clinics. Thanks to the correct organization of the workflow of qualified personnel and the availability of modern equipment, we have achieved high results in such a complex area of ​​surgery.

Paediatric Day Hospital has 20 stationary beds, which are located in single and double rooms. The rooms are equipped with oxygen systems and monitors. The nurse’s post is equipped with a round-the-clock monitoring station, which allows to constantly monitor the main parameters of the patient (blood pressure, cardiogram, heart rate, etc.).

The post also has a “nurse terminal” that allows you to communicate with each patient. Each room is equipped with emergency call buttons, which are conveniently located so that the patient can sound the alarm from anywhere in the room.

The game hall, which is in front of the medical staff, is never empty. Here children receive positive emotions and are distracted from medical manipulations and white coats. All this promotes the fastest recovery of young patients.

An individual approach to each patient is the main principle of our department. Twice a week, clinical cases are analyzed with the involvement of not only leading specialists of the Heart Institute, but also consultants of other specialties in order to determine treatment tactics for each patient. Alongside with doctors, there are experienced and responsive nurses, diligent junior medical personnel who provide cleanliness and comfort in the department.


For hospitalization in the Department of Surgical Treatment of Congenital Heart Diseases of Children you need to have:

  • passport of one of the parents
  • child’s birth certificate
  • certificate from a paediatrician about epidemiology status
  • vaccination certificate
  • the result of the analysis of feces for worm eggs
  • for children from 1 year to 3 years and mothers – certificate of intestinal infections.
  • hygiene products for yourself and your child, change of clothes and shoes

Recommendations for child care after surgery

After heart surgery, most children can be discharged from the hospital. Further rehabilitation after surgical patients takes place with the direct participation of parents and close relatives under the supervision of a cardiologist or paediatrician.

General care

If an older child complains of pain in the area of the postoperative wound – it is necessary to give prescribed painkillers. The child should not be given painkillers prophylactically in the absence of pain. Approximately 7-10 days after removal of stitches, children can be bathed.

Newborns and young children can be bathed in the tub. It is necessary to bathe in comfortable conditions (water about 38 degrees, air about 24 degrees), without a loofah, and in water it is better to add decoction of chamomile or herd.
During the first month after surgery, it is prohibited to take a bath for older children, they shall take showers showers, preferably sitting.

After bathing it is necessary to examine the postoperative scar. If there are an experience redness, swelling, pain, or any discharge in the area of ​​the scar, tell your surgeon or cardiac doctor immediately.

After the examination, if everything is normal, the suture should be lubricated with an aqueous solution of iodine (betadine or kutasept), which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The suture should be treated 2-3 times a day until complete healing.
After the surgery it is necessary to limit the child’s direct contact with others in order to avoid contact with possible infection.

You shall measure children’s body temperature every day, If the temperature is above 37.5 – contact your doctor immediately.

To prevent infectious endocarditis at the first signs of acute infectious diseases in a child (angina, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystitis, etc.) it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to select effective antibacterial therapy. (more details).
Visits to the children’s polyclinic at the place of residence should be carried out regularly to detect and timely treat chronic infection in children with tonsillitis, caries (even deciduous teeth), adenoiditis, etc.

If your child is prescribed an anticoagulant, be sure to tell your doctor before any surgical procedure, including dental, or any medical examination, as this drug affects blood clotting and the duration of bleeding.


1. Gradually expand the diet of the older child to the usual preoperative diet. Meals should be balanced in terms of quantity and composition of food. Losing excess weight of your child will greatly facilitate the work of the heart. Try not to overfeed the child, it is better to transfer it to fractional nutrition.

2. Newborns and young children need to be given the usual formula or breast milk, gradually reach the amount of feeding appropriate for their age, after which new foods can be gradually introduced.

3. After heart surgery, the child should be switched to diet food, do not give children salty and abundantly seasoned dishes so that the child does not feel thirsty after eating.

4. Try to prevent constipation to avoid stressing your heart. Give older children vegetables and fruits (both raw and baked), fermented milk products, prunes, replace regular bread with bran bread. For small children with a tendency to constipation, do not introduce cereals and soups with rice into the diet. If you are breastfeeding, follow a strict diet.

5. Try to weigh your baby at least 2 times a week. It is necessary to monitor the weight gain in the newborn or the fluctuations in weight when taking diuretics. If the child’s weight quickly increased by 0.5 – 1 kg or decreased within a few days, consult a doctor for nutritional adjustments or dosage of diuretics.

Physical Exercises

Your child’s activity after heart surgery usually corresponds to his/hers well-being. When tired or unwell, children usually choose a calm and sedentary game. Do not offer older children, for example, playing football or rollerblading, because in a state of excitement, the child does not immediately admit to feeling unwell.
Newborns and young children can be placed on the abdomen a few days after surgery. The child can sleep in any position convenient for him.
Before being discharged from the hospital, your doctor will advise you on work-out and massage for your child.
For older children, walking is the optimal type of exercise after heart surgery. Take walks with the child on a flat surface, in good weather, but not immediately after eating.
At first, older children may find it difficult to get out of bed.

You need to get up gradually, in several steps: turn to the side, get your feet off the bed, sit down, wait a few minutes and get up.
On average, the chest is healed in 6 weeks after surgery.

During this period, older children should avoid movements that create a load on the chest:
– do not lift heavy objects more than 2.5 kg (trash can, shopping bags, briefcases with books, etc.);
– do not open or close sliding windows and doors;
– do not use devices that require physical effort (eg, vacuum cleaner);
– do not ride a bike, do not do push up;
– swimming is prohibited for 3 months.

The child can do light homework (set the table, wash dishes, etc.).
Do not lift small children for both hands, do not pull one hand while walking, especially if the child is tired. Take them in your arms, picking up under the buttocks and holding their backs.
Ventilate the children’s room several times a day, do wet cleaning every day.

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